OpenCV 3 with Python

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Here is an excerpts from Introduction to OpenCV-Python Tutorials:
"Compared to other languages like C/C++, Python is slower. But another important feature of Python is that it can be easily extended with C/C++. This feature helps us to write computationally intensive codes in C/C++ and create a Python wrapper for it so that we can use these wrappers as Python modules. This gives us two advantages: first, our code is as fast as original C/C++ code (since it is the actual C++ code working in background) and second, it is very easy to code in Python. This is how OpenCV-Python works, it is a Python wrapper around original C++ implementation."
"And the support of Numpy makes the task more easier. Numpy is a highly optimized library for numerical operations. It gives a MATLAB-style syntax. All the OpenCV array structures are converted to-and-from Numpy arrays. So whatever operations you can do in Numpy, you can combine it with OpenCV, which increases number of weapons in your arsenal. Besides that, several other libraries like SciPy, Matplotlib which supports Numpy can be used with this."
"So OpenCV-Python is an appropriate tool for fast prototyping of computer vision problems."
If the results are printed out without any errors as shown below, we have installed OpenCV-Python successfully!
>>> import cv2 >>> cv2.__version__ '3.0.0-dev' >>>
If not, check install OpenCV
I'm running OpenCV on Ubuntu 14.0.4.
Ph.D. / Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco / Seoul National Univ / Carnegie Mellon / UC Berkeley / DevOps / Deep Learning / Visualization